peppermint butler mistakes the catagory of illocutionary act of lemongrab's realis statement semiotic salmon 0:23 2 years ago 39 307 Далее Скачать
peppermint butler and jake incorporate tag-switching in their phatic expressions semiotic salmon 0:09 2 years ago 16 794 Далее Скачать
simon possibly suffers from some form of semantic anomic aphasia semiotic salmon 0:11 2 years ago 81 908 Далее Скачать
Adventure Time - Peppermint Butler in "The Real You" Fox Knezevich 0:23 13 years ago 83 426 Далее Скачать
princess bubblegum generates world-to-word-to-world fit semiotic salmon 0:15 2 years ago 76 906 Далее Скачать
Princess Bubble Gum & Marceline Kiss! 💚💜💙| Happy Valentine's Day! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network Adventure Time 0:33 1 year ago 1 178 319 Далее Скачать
Adventure Time Pirates of the Enchiridion Peppermint Butter Interrogation TheBlueDragon 1:49 6 years ago 118 Далее Скачать
Best of: Peppermint Butler | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network Adventure Time 4:51 4 years ago 828 728 Далее Скачать